Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to make Monster Cake.

I made this epic cake a few weeks back for my peer support group, and I thought that the Internet deserved to know about it.
Baking time: Varies but leave a good few hours.
  1. Go to local supermarket.
  2. Get whatever the fuck you want.
  3. Bake it in a cake tin. (Hint: use baking paper to line the tin)
What I did was this brownie mix, baked that for ten minutes, put Oreos and rainbow cookies on top of that, baked that for another ten minutes, let it cool, frosted it with vanilla icing and then put crushed up Pods on top.
But honestly, any brownie/cookie/biscuit/frosting/chocolate combination works.
Yeah, if you want a better method;
Better Method:
  1. Go to local supermarket.
  2. Buy one of those brownie/cake packets, one packet of biscuits, one cookie/muffin packet, one type of frosting/sauce and one type of chocolate/confectionary.
  3. Make and bake the brownie/cake in a lined cake tin, but only for ten minutes.
  4. Put a layer of biscuits on top of the half-baked brownie/cake. Then make the cookie/muffin mix and pour that on top of the rest of the layers.
  5. Bake for a further ten minutes.
  6. Take out and cool for ten minutes.
  7. Frost/slather in sauce and top with crushed up bits on that confectionery/chocolate.
  8. Be on the look out for signs of diabetes.
If anyone is as stupid as me to do this, I recommend that you have a look at the packet thing so you have the times right. For instance, always put the thing that takes the longest to bake at the bottom. Also, I dare every single one of you to do this.

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