Thursday, January 19, 2012

Epiphany Inducing Broken Ankles

I'm just going to recount the last couple of days, for pleasure's sake.
Sunday we went on this walk with all the family plus C's boyfriend's family and dogs. It was freezing and I forgot to wear a scarf. Brilliant thinking once again on my part. I got Skype-raped by my family. When you're just casually on your computer and then BAM. SKYPE. And I'm too polite or too much or a worrier to just hang up. Oh, no. I must ALWAYS answer.
In fact, even my family seemed slightly startled.
Monday morning the bus (which I have to catch at 7.23- meaning I have to get up at 6 in the morning) was a normal sized bus, but that size bus is too small to fit all of us who usually catch the bus so we went to school in what felt like a tin can. If there's one things that's universal, it's bus etiquette. Everywhere, it's the same. You know, the whole stand up for old ladies and don't be a dick and blast your music everywhere. 
I always forget exactly what I do during French class. I think that's mainly because every lesson I have is half me daydreaming and half inner me yelling at me to concentrate and stop daydreaming. So the actual content just kind of goes straight over my head. But I generally now have a vague idea about what's going on. Vaguely.
But Mondays we have sport. Yay. Sport can actually be quite fun because we're doing gymnastics right now so there's a lot of attempting to do cartwheels and things like that and hence a lot of giggling. And I was having fun. We were doing this routine we have to make up. I am, in fact, useless at gymnastics. I'm not flexible and I'm not all that good at balancing and I can't do a cartwheel. However, because I am perhaps a little lighter than some others so I usually end up having to climb on people's backs to do pyramids and things.
That particular time, after kind of rushing through our routine a couple of times, we had to get up and perform in front of the class. And so we did. First time- no dramas. All went relatively smoothly. But we had to do it again for the video. Yeah, they were filming us. So, there's one part of the routine where I have to get on this girl J's back. Long story short- her back was too curved and so I kind of fell on her ankle and may or may not have broken it a little bit.
So, whilst A was taking J to the locker room to get changed and wait for an ambulance her parents, I just waited around with O, another girl in my group, on the gym mat thing. (We've all seen them. Those strange blue mattress like things that barely do anything when you fall down? Well, there was a stack of them.) And I stared off into space thinking "Oh God, I'm a horrid person, I've just killed J, oh God... etc". I don't often stare off into space, and sometimes HFD walks past when I stare.
It's weird thing that now that I think about it happens quite frequently. I'll be staring at nothing thinking about whether or not I should clean my nails or whatever and then HFD will just slowly saunter past, looking at me. I know he's looking at me, I just know it. Usually I pretend I haven't noticed and everything works out fine but this particular time I though, "Fuck it," and looked up. My timing wasn't the best time since I looked whilst he was looking away so he had to do a double-take and then I smiled without showing any teeth. (If you want a mental image, Google "Gollum.") and looked away.
O saw the whole exchange and so:
O: Do you like HFD?
Me: No.
O: Do you like R (another boy in my class)?
Me: No. Nobody!
O: Oh.
Me: Do you like HFD?
O: No. But, I can understand you liking him.
Me: Hmm...
O: But he's mean to everyone.
Me: Yeah.
And that was the point when I made up my mind.
This whole HFD thing has gone on too far, for far too long. I don't like him, he's just mildly attractive. And then I decided to never ever have any more contact anymore, ever. And I would be a dick to him what was then tomorrow, Tuesday- the day he talks to me.
When Tuesday rolled around, it started out all pretty much the same. We had a free period so me, A and O hung out in the girl's locker room where it was nice and toasty. And then we had TP.
What usually happens in TP is because of my foreign ignorance and/or awkwardness I stand around or I end up doing dishwashing. But, I don't know, the prof had decided I was going to do something today- I was going to start doing some waitressing. It was scary, let me tell you. Why? Because this isn't your usual slap-dash dining with a paper tablecloth. This is fancy dining, like you must always walk around the table clockwise dining. 
Naturally, I stood there in the middle of the restaurant having a mild anxiety attack. And naturally, when A asked me if I could help her serve water I said no, because I was certain if I did that something would catch on fire. This got the prof mildly annoyed and he came up to me and was all like; "You must do things" and I just nodded and blushed. So, when A was serving the main course, I took two plates and served that. And when A was serving the dessert course, the prof dragged me over and I served a grand total of one fruit salad to some poor girl.
And obviously by the prof's count one bowl of fruit salad isn't enough so I had to serve another one, and so he dragged me over to the next person's table- HFD. I forget exactly what happened because I was dying of embarrassment for no particular reason- CURSE YOU TEENAGE GIRLDOM- and so I did it super quickly and then ran back to my little corner and stood there like a goldfish if goldfish (goldfishes?) could stand like an awkward teenage girl.
And then I was out where I belong- dish duty.
Today, Wednesday, the only thing that happened that was "interesting" was I may have gotten full marks on a test- in Gestion, possibly the stupidest subject ever. I don't like Gestion because I have a nagging feeling that even if it were in English, I wouldn't understand it. But I think I only got those marks because it was all just true and false questions, and when you've done enough of those, you know that if out of five questions the second and third are both true, then the first and fourth are false and the fifth has to be true.

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