The only mildly thing that happened that was interesting that day at school was during lunch. We were all lining up to get food and the line was really long. A and all her friends were kind of getting pulled away from me but I was not really bothered to do anything about it. But then, a wild G appeared (who's not gay by the way)! So J was dragging me forward trying to get me to squeeze through this gap and G just kind of uses his really long arms to push these people out of the way and he's yelling, "MOVE! SHE'S NOT FRENCH!" and kind of pushing me forward.
Long story short, he almost raped me but I was reunited with my group.
Then for the afternoon, me and this other Australian called Sarah went into town. It was great. We talked English, did some shopping, weirded out the French who were startled by the laughing foreigners, and I did my impression of what happened when my button fell off of my pants. To cement our friendship, we both got these necklaces which are MAGNETIC COOKIES. I win at life.
Considering that this was my last day at French school ever, Friday was extremely anti-climatic. It was kind of like, welp, guess I'll be going then.
I finally gave this girl called N the recipe for Coca Colala cake, about two weeks after she asked me. And I kind of screwed up because she doesn't know what type of measurement a "cup" is. WELP.
When the French were studying for their little test in Gestion, I was listening to my iPod. We were on the stairs and some chick walks past and for no apparent reason, G kind of fake screams out, "SHE IS UGLY, SHE IS UGLY". He caught me staring at him in a kind of bewildered way, laughed at himself, and tried to explain to me what "dommage" means (damage, harm). I didn't really react properly. By that I meant I went "Mmm..." a lot because I wanted my music.
I went to Strasbourg with my host family minus A plus Q. Golly, it was fun. We took the car and after about an hour of driving we stopped at some weird shoe outlet place in the middle of nowhere. Everything was seriously over priced and shoe shopping bores me but we ended up staying for like an hour. After, McDonald's where I tried the McFarmer- pretty good if I knew how to eat a burger without getting sauce all over my hands.
We arrived at the Uni at Strasbourg because C wanted to check it out with Q and E, so me and G (host mum) hit the town. I don't know whether it was because everything was on sale or whether my mind was like, "Fuck it. Last week, go for it" but I bought something in pretty much every store we went into. I got the following:
- a t-shirt
- a dress
- a pair of shorts
- a bag
- a pair of glasses
- two pairs of knee high socks
- one pair of tights
- a blouse
After shopping, we met up with E, C and Q to check out the cathedral which is MASSIVE. Wikipedia says that is 142m tall, but I would have said 800. Who do you believe? It was pretty freaking freezing, so we went to this restaurant in Petit France where I ordered lamb kebabs, and shocked my host family (minus A plus Q) by telling them that in Australian we eat kebabs with our hands. E said, "We are not barbarians".
And then, it was driving home in a warm car. I napped.
All the little quote things were actually said in French. I just can't be bothered and also, for Tara.
I am shocked that no one had bugged me about my story. So, Steph, post your poetry. I dare you.
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